Potatoes In The News
Gardening and Climate Change
This video by professor and botanist Dr. Richard Hebda looks at ways to mitigate and adapt to climate change within your garden. He specifically focuses on water managed landscape techniques, techniques for preparing excellent soils, the advantages of diverse and dense plantings, and the (numerous) benefits of mulch!
For more great gardening resources: www.growingfood-together.com
How Peru’s potato museum could stave off world food crisis
Read the Guardian article here.
With a climate changing faster than most crops can adapt and food security under threat around the world, scientists have found hope in a living museum dedicated to a staple eaten by millions daily: the humble potato
This spud’s for you: A breeding revolution could unleash the potential of potato
Potatoes that are resilient in the face of climate change is more important forever. This article talks of some of the challenges of breeding and selecting climate-smart potatoes.
Unleashing the potential of the potato
News from the Blog

Starting with 2 potatoes, in two years, Scott Harris harvests 120 pounds!
Read about Scott's success growing Ozette-Nootka potatoes in Metchosin, BC.
Looking for Heritage Seed Potatoes?
Ironwood Organics produces seed potatoes of several varieties including Ozette-Nootka and Bauer Grun Rotes Auge.
Likely tubers that have been virally cleansed are available from the Fredericton Research and Development Centre. Order yours by contacting Sylvia Soucy You can also search the Seeds of Diversity directory for a supplier near you.Thank you
We thank Mrs. Gretchen Bauta and the W. Garfield Weston Foundation for supporting the preservation of heritage potatoes and for supporting the Crop-Climate project to grow, observe and record the climatic characteristics of Canadian potato varieties.